The GMS CCESP TA10 has 3 outputs: (i) climate and disaster resilience enhanced, and low carbon transitions facilitated; (ii) climate-smart landscapes promoted and environmental quality enhanced; (iii) green technologies and financing instruments demonstrated. Under each output, there are two sub-outputs. The TA outcome includes development of a pipeline of climate-resilient and green investment projects for ADB and the private sector of at least $500 million; and supporting at least five new gender-responsive and socially inclusive climate change and environmental policies and strategies. To achieve the outputs and outcome, the consulting firm will implement 3 groups of activities to (i) strengthen capacities of relevant stakeholders, including government staff, private sector, communities and civil society organizations; (ii) organize policy dialogues and provide support to formulate relevant policies and measures; and (iii) conduct pilot demonstrations on innovative technologies, climate-smart practices, and financing instruments

The Consultant services of this package have successfully delivered by the consortium of RAMBOLL Denmark A/S, VSDI, and other Asean countries’s local consultant firms